
As by now most of you probably have tuned in for at least a few minutes of the Winter Olympics taking place in Sochi, or perhaps just seen a couple of highlights on the news, I thought I would try a different twist for this blog post.
The relationship that you have with your attorney is an important one. There must be trust, confidence in both knowledge and experience and good communication. At Bertolino LLP, we place our client satisfaction as the top priority. So, I would like to know – in your previous or current dealings with attorneys, which Olympic sport does your legal activity most resemble?
Do you feel like you are part of the biathlon, with your attorney quietly moving forward with sudden bursts of firepower that are strategically aimed at the outcome you want?
Maybe it seems like you are engaged in a curling match, where there is a flurry of activity and very few people actually seem to understand what is happening.
How about pairs figure skating? And I mean the kind that goes well, with both participants in sync, not where one partner drops the other to watch her go skidding across the ice.
There’s also hockey – an all-out battle in which it is not altogether unlikely that someone is going to end up having a tooth knocked out.
I would love to know what you think. Share with me in the comments what Olympic event comes to mind for you. And, if you are currently in need of legal representation in areas from writing your will to working through a divorce and custody issues to receiving financial compensation following a painful car accident, the dedicated attorneys at Bertolino LLP are ready to help. We will work diligently to make sure your experience with our firm is a positive and productive one.

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