Substance abuse issues will i be able to keep my medical license if i go to rehab

As a society in general, we know much more today about addiction than we did just a decade ago. Awareness has been heightened, and at least some of the stigma has diminished as well. Individuals with substance abuse issues come from all walks of life, and professions, and doctors are certainly not immune; in fact, they are just as likely as the rest of the population to suffer from problems with addiction. Doctors may be even more prone to issues with addiction, not only because of the proximity to medications but also because of the enormous stress associated with their jobs.
Unfortunately, dependencies on pills are very common today—often formed after an accident or sports injury. A prescription for an opioid drug like hydrocodone may be handed out to a patient initially, and then the patient may become dependent—even after the pain from the injury has subsided. This may be the case for doctors also, although alcoholism is very prevalent too.
If you are a practicing doctor and are, or have been, dealing with substance abuse, your greatest fear is probably that you will lose your license. This may have kept you from coming forward with such a problem despite the great necessity to do so if you are currently practicing. In Texas, there are now programs that will allow some physicians to keep their licenses without disciplinary action, entering diversion programs that allow for anonymous treatment. Aside from programs offered through the Texas Medical Board, there are others available too in the form of physician health programs.
You may also be dealing with a complaint filed against you, whether from a patient, co-worker, or another doctor. As soon as you are notified that an investigation is being conducted, contact the experienced license defense attorneys of BERTOLINO LLP. Our law firm helps professionals, like you, keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by a state agency or board.
We can help you prepare for and attend hearings such as the following:

  • Informal Show Compliance Proceeding and Settlement Conference
  • SOAH (State Office of Administrative Hearings)
  • Temporary Suspension/Emergency Suspension Hearing

The lawyers at Bertolino LLP know how to carefully research every potential case, and we have successfully defended doctors, prescribing health care providers, pharmacists, and others working in the medical profession. Our honest, experienced attorneys will fight aggressively on behalf of your license and reputation. Our results speak for themselves.
Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation. We are here to help you!

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