Every veterinarian practicing in the state of Texas is subject, as a matter of course, to what is known as a “compliance inspection.” These compliance inspections are on-site inspections that may take place, unannounced, at any time, and that are utilized by the licensing authority to ensure that there are not any issues going on at a veterinary office. The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, which is the oversight board responsible for licensure and maintenance of the standards of the profession, undertakes these inspections with an eye toward ameliorating problems within the industry that may be viewed as chronic—including mismanagement of controlled substances and prescription labels, as well as failures to meet the requirements of continuing veterinary education.
These compliance inspections include perusal of facilities and of records kept on-site. Veterinarians are required to permit entrance to the inspectors, according to Texas Administrative Code section 573.63, which reads:
“Licensees shall admit a representative of the Board, during regular business hours, to inspect equipment and business premises; examine and/or copy client and patient records, drug records, including, but not limited to, invoices, receipts, transfer documents, inventory logs, surgery logs; and all other associated records relating to the practice of veterinary medicine or equine dentistry.”
The key to passing these surprise inspections is to be vigilant in the upkeep of all standards of practice and to adhere to the rules and regulations with assiduous regularity—and the Board recommends that veterinarians maintain copies of their continuing education records at their practicing facility, to be fully ready.
Should you find yourself at odds with the Board as result of one of these inspections—or if you have had a complaint of any other sort filed against you with the Board, BERTOLINO LLP can help. We are experienced professional license defense attorneys and we know how to navigate the complaint process. We are prepared to represent you at any legal hearing or proceeding regarding your professional license.
Our Firm believes that immediately consulting an experienced professional license defense attorney to review allegations of misconduct helps ensure the most favorable outcome in your case. Our results speak for themselves. BERTOLINO LLP represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. If you are facing disciplinary action from the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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