Doctors office

If I took a poll and asked 100 people how they would most like to spend a Wednesday afternoon, I am going to guess that hanging out in a doctor’s office would not make the top five answers. We know that taking care of our health is important, we may even like our physician, but it’s still not a fun way to pass the time.
There are some common complaints about our healthcare experiences. Do any of these sound familiar to you?
“The doctor expects me to be there at 10:30am, but I’m still in the waiting room at noon. Is my time not as valuable as his?”
“There is nothing to read except Highlights and a couple of Golf Digest magazines from 2010.”
“Why do I need to make an appointment first to see my primary care doctor when all I really want to do is see a specialist for my aching foot?”
“My doctor never spent more than a few seconds looking up from her computer. Some human connection would be nice while I’m worried about how I’ve been feeling.”
“Do the exam rooms have to be so cold?”
While most of these concerns are understandably frustrating, they may not have a lot to do with the quality of care you actually receive. What happens when you are misdiagnosed or your private health information is shared or your doctor makes inappropriate advances? Then, legal steps must be taken. And, on the flip side of that, what if you are a doctor who has been falsely accused of wrongdoing?
If your good standing as a medical professional is being threatened, a medical license defense lawyer at Bertolino LLP can help. You’ve spent years first in classrooms and then in your office building a strong reputation and you deserve to have that reputation defended against false attacks. If you need help, please contact our Austin, Houston or San Antonio office today.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form