Defending attorneys against disciplinary actions and grievances 1

An attorney who receives a formal complaint from the State Bar of Texas needs to take fast action to protect his or her reputation and license to practice law. A complaint, even if later determined meritless, can have serious adverse impacts on your legal career. As a licensed attorney, you know that ignoring the complaint will not make it go away – you know allegations of misconduct or malpractice must be faced head-on.
The State Bar of Texas handles grievances filed against licensed attorneys. Anyone may file a grievance against an attorney, or report allegations of professional misconduct. A person does not have to be a client or former client to lodge a complaint against a Texas attorney.
The Texas attorney discipline system is governed by:

There are a number of actions (or inactions) a lawyer may take that may constitute a violation of the Texas disciplinary rules. The Texas State Bar offers this short list of examples:

  • The lawyer does not return client phone calls, emails, or letters.
  • The lawyer failed to appear in court or has missed deadlines.
  • The lawyer refuses to return a client’s file after a request is made.
  • The lawyer seems to have a substance abuse problem that affects his/her ability to practice.
  • The lawyer has not paid the client’s part of the settlement after the case has settled.

This list is by no means exhaustive. As a licensed attorney, you understand the breadth and scope of the professional and ethical standards by which we must adhere.
Our firm is prepared to defend your law license against claims of:

  • Any claim for Legal Malpractice
  • Violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty
  • Lack of Due Diligence
  • Abuse of Process
  • Statute of Limitations Complaints or Missed Deadlines
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

We are experienced Legal Malpractice Defense Attorneys. The results-driven lawyers at BERTOLINO LLP are well-versed in successfully dealing with formal complaints against Texas attorneys.
We are proud to be the lawyer’s lawyer.
The fact that so many lawyers have trusted us to handle formal complaints with the State Bar of Texas or the Board of Law Examiners speaks volumes. We know that fellow-attorneys expect the highest standards of professionalism and care.
If you are facing a formal complaint against your law license, we understand how much is at stake. We invite you to meet with us for a case evaluation. You’ll meet with one of our experienced Legal Malpractice Defense Attorneys to discuss the details of the allegations filed against you.
“Our law firm helps professionals, like you, keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by a state agency or board.” -Tony R. Bertolino, Managing Partner
If you have received a licensing complaint, BERTOLINO LLP can help. We represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. Our honest, experienced attorneys will fight aggressively on behalf of your license and reputation. Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
Get a copy of Tony R. Bertolino’s #1 Bestselling book, When Your License is Under Attack: A Survival Guide for Texas Professionals in hardcover or for Kindle here.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form