4 actions to avoid when a licensing board is investigating a complaint against you

It is a tough day when you receive a notice that a complaint has been filed against you with your licensing board and now you are under investigation. Your license, livelihood, and reputation are at risk. Texas licensing boards have the authority to take a number of disciplinary actions against their licenses. In order to protect your license and mount the best defense against the allegations, avoid these 4 actions.

1. Avoid Avoiding.

Do not make the mistake of ignoring a board complaint or avoid properly addressing the matter because of feelings of stress or overwhelm.
Respond to all board inquiries or request for more information by the given deadline. If you fail to respond in a timely manner, you may lose certain rights or defenses that would have otherwise been available to you.

2. Do not contact the Board to explain your way out of the complaint.

Texas licensing boards have rules and regulation to which they must adhere. An unsolicited call to a board investigator to try to explain your side of the story is unproductive and may be more harmful than helpful. There is an appropriate way to respond to board investigations. An off-the-cuff phone call is not appropriate. All communications with the board should be well-thought-out, professional, and delivered in the proper way per the complaint process of your licensing board.

3. Avoid lies.

If you are caught lying to the board, or hiding or destroying evidence, your situation and any disciplinary actions you will have to face will be significantly worse.

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4. Do not face the licensing board investigation alone.

Hire proper legal representation. You have the right to counsel during the course of the entire complaint and investigation process. A license defense attorney will help you properly respond to allegations, protect your rights, and represent you at legal proceedings. Your attorney can mount a strong defense against allegations of misconduct and help ensure the most favorable outcome in your case.
BERTOLINO LLP represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. If you are facing disciplinary action from a professional licensing board, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
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