Child care administrator license defense texas attorney

It took years of dedication and hard work to earn your Child-Care Administrator License. Yet, it only takes one complaint to threaten your career and livelihood. If allegations have been filed against you, it is critical that you take the complaint seriously. Even if you believe you did not violate any laws or licensing board rules, we urge you to face the allegations head-on from the start. Failure to respond to a complaint or failure to properly defend yourself could cost you your Child-Care Administrator License.

Texas Child-Care Administrator License

Child care operations in Texas are regulated by Texas Health and Human Services. To be eligible for a child-care administrator license, you must:

  • Submit three professional references from individuals who can attest to your work experience and competence as a child-care administrator.
  • Submit evidence of at least one year of management or supervisory experience in a residential child care setting.
  • Submit evidence of one of the following education and/or experience-related qualifications:
    • Master’s or doctorate degree; or
    • Bachelor’s degree and at least two years of full-time child care or related work experience.
  • Pass a background check conducted by the Department of Family and Protective Services and submit the required criminal history affidavit.
  • Pass a multiple-choice examination covering a number of different topics.

Child-Care Administrator License Defense

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) investigates complaints against licensed child-care administrators. Initially, the Commission will determine the validity of the allegations of any violations of minimum standards, as well as reports of abuse or neglect.
Once the HHSC launches an investigation you may face the risk of sanctions and other disciplinary actions against your license, including suspension or revocation. During the investigation process, you will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations and provide evidence in your defense. You also have the right to an attorney during the entire enforcement process, from the start of the investigation through to any legal proceedings.
If the allegations against you are not resolved informally, then the complaint may be brought before the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). A formal hearing at SOAH operates similarly to a court trial, whereby you and the HHSC will have the opportunity to provide evidence and question witnesses. A neutral Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) will oversee the hearing. If after the hearing the ALJ finds that you committed the alleged violation(s), the HHSC may take disciplinary action against your child-care administrator license.

Child-Care Administrator License Defense Attorney

If you are licensed by Texas Health and Human Services, or run a program or agency licensed by Texas HHS, and you are facing a complaint or enforcement action, we urge you to contact a professional license defense attorney immediately.
BERTOLINO LLP represents licensed operations, agencies, and professionals across the entire State of Texas. With offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, we serve clients all over the state. As experienced attorneys, well-versed in state and federal laws, we know how to win. Our results speak for themselves!
Contact us today or call (512) 887-7305 and schedule a case evaluation.
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