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I recently posted a piece about a move that the city of Austin is considering for a total ban on the use of cell phones while driving. Not only would texting and looking up information on the internet be illegal under this proposal, but even talking on a phone without a hands-free set would no longer be allowed. It appears that Austin’s police chief, Art Acevedo, is determined to address another problem on the city’s roads.

This week Acevedo held a public forum to get ideas on how to reduce the number of drivers who are getting behind the wheel after drinking. So far this year, there have been 2,900 DWI arrests made in Austin and the Austin Police Department’s DWI Enforcement Team has noted that 85% of all accidents that occur in the city between the hours of midnight and 3:00am involve alcohol. That is a startling statistic and one that supports the notion that getting more drunk drivers off the streets would cause a significant reduction in the awful crashes we too often see on the local news.

At Bertolino LLP, we regularly meet with men and women whose lives have been altered by the decision of another individual to drive after a night at the bars. Whether it be physical injuries that have left them with ongoing pain, the inability to return to a physically demanding job due to these injuries, or the loss of a family vehicle that was needed for daily living, people deserve to be compensated for their suffering. It is our privilege to make sure our clients feel that they were heard and that the settlement we help them receive is just. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, please call us today and allow us to get to work for you.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form