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Photo courtesy USA Today

Perhaps you were watching the NFL draft a couple of months when Johnny Manziel (aka “Johnny Football”) nervously sat as other players from around the country were selected by teams while his name went unspoken. He had decided to leave Texas A&M after his sophomore year to pursue a career in the pros, and the draft would mark the beginning of this new stage.

Finally, his name was called by the Cleveland Browns, and Manziel took to the stage clutching a jersey and placing a Browns cap on his head. Since then, his jersey has become the biggest seller among all NFL merchandise in the first fiscal quarter. People are intrigued to see what he will do in the league, and they want to feel like they are along for the ride, whether it be for a night of having fun or, once the season starts, passing for 400 yards in the home opener.

Even though this jersey has become a coveted item, particularly among Texas A & M and Browns fans, its ownership will not become a contested detail in any divorces over the next few years. But, you never know. Men and women have dug their heels in over seemingly lesser things for sentimentality or spite.

Regardless of whether you need to find a resolution on the guardianship of a sports memorabilia collection or face more serious issues like where you each plan to live or who will care for the children, the family law attorneys at Bertolino LLP can help. We know that each divorce is unique and difficult, and emotional, and we will be with you through every step. If you are separating from your spouse and facing a possible divorce, we will walk through the challenges with you and help you reach a sound resolution amid a difficult time.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form