Alcohol sporting event

In a move that comes with cheers of support from some and concern over safety from others, the University of Texas has decided to start selling beer and wine at some of its sporting events. The trial effort will occur at the remaining basketball, baseball and softball games this season, as well as at Texas Relays. Depending on how the purchase of alcohol goes during these spring events, Longhorn fans may have the same opportunity to consume beer and wine at the stadium during football season this fall. (OK, consume it legally . . . there is a fair amount of alcohol that finds its way into the stands regardless of the prohibition.)
The University of Texas will not be alone in selling alcohol at collegiate events. More than two dozen major programs already allow beer to be bought by of-age fans. But still, there are some questions that UT officials will have to address from the outset to ensure that this change is as safe and responsible as possible. Will the vendors carefully check all IDs? Will there be ushers on hand who will canvas the stands to see if underage drinkers are having older friends buy beer for them?
Many sports fans enjoy having a beer or two while watching a game. If they are at least twenty-one years old and are responsible about the decisions they make regarding transportation, then there is nothing wrong with that. But, just like at professional events, University of Texas now will have to handle individuals who choose to drink too much and then get belligerent or who drive away from the stadium when they are in no condition to do so.
If you have been a victim on the road of someone’s decision to drive impaired after consuming alcohol, you deserve compensation for your pain and damages. At Bertolino LLP, we have experienced attorneys who deal with drinking and driving accidents. We will hold that person accountable and make sure you walk away with money for your injuries, your lost time at work and your property. Please contact us today.
What do you think? Are you in favor of allowing alcohol sales at UT games?

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