Defending your teaching credentials texas teaching license defense 1

Teaching is a challenging job, and is one of the most important in our society. As an educator, you have dedicated your career to giving Texas children the tools they need to lead happy and productive lives. You make an important contribution to our future by teaching our youth, and Texas needs people like you to continue to make a difference.
It you are facing a complaint that puts your teaching license in jeopardy, it is a serious matter. Your teaching credentials and reputation are at stake. Even if you believe the complaint is baseless, it is important to take quick action and defend your teaching license immediately. Our experienced professional license defense attorneys will defend your Texas teaching license and your good name.
Regulation of Texas Educators
The teaching profession in Texas is regulated by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and the Texas Education Agency, which enforces the Educator’s Code of Ethics.
The SBEC may take disciplinary action against an educator for the following reasons:

  • School or educational activities in violation of law;
  • An educator who is unworthy to instruct or supervise the youth of the state;
  • Code of Ethics violations;
  • Failure to report or hindering the reporting of child abuse or the known criminal history of an educator as required by law and Board rules;
  • Contract abandonment;
  • Failure to cooperate with a Board investigation;
  • Conviction of a crime directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the education profession; or
  • Violation of the security or integrity of a state assessment.

Violations of the Educator’s Code of Ethics include:

  • Deceptive or fraudulent practices;
  • Misappropriation of school property or privileges;
  • Accepting bribes or gifts that impair judgment;
  • Sharing students’ confidential information;
  • Physically mistreating students; and
  • Sexual misconduct.

The above lists are not exhaustive. The SBEC and the Texas Education Agency may take disciplinary action against an educator for other misconduct.
Disciplinary Actions That May Be Taken Against Texas Educators
The following disciplinary actions may be taken against an educator’s certification:

  • Place restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term;
  • Issue an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand;
  • Suspend a certificate for a set term or issue a probated suspension for a set term;
  • Revoke or cancel, which includes accepting the surrender of, a certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently; or
  • Impose any additional conditions or restrictions upon a certificate as deemed necessary by the SBEC.

If a complaint is filed against you, the Board of Educator Certification will investigate and decide whether to take disciplinary action. You have a right to fair and due process. You have the right to an administrative hearing before the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). And you have the right to representation throughout the complaint process and at any legal proceeding.
Whether the complaint against you is meritless or has extenuating circumstances, you need an experienced professional license defense attorney to protect your rights, protect your teaching credential, and to protect your career.
BERTOLINO LLP has been defending Texas educators for years, and we use a creative, results-driven approach to help you get the best possible outcome in your case. Our results speak for themselves.
If you are facing allegations of professional misconduct or disciplinary action from the Texas Education Agency or SBEC, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
BERTOLINO LLP proudly represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. To best serve our clients we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form