Attorney for representation before your licensing board

Often issues regarding professional conduct are resolved through licensing boards and the administrative processes. When a client, patient, customer, or other party files a complaint against you with your licensing board, it begins an investigation into your conduct. This can be frightening even if you believe the allegations are meritless.
You do not have to face the licensing board on your own. In fact, you shouldn’t! You have the right to have an attorney represent you during all stages of the complaint process, at any hearing before your board, and before the State Office of Administrative Hearings. When facing allegations of professional misconduct, it is always advisable to have a professional license defense attorney by your side to protect your rights and advocate for you.

Do I Really Need an Attorney for Representation Before Your Licensing Board?

If you must appear before your licensing board, then a lot is at stake.
Licensing boards have the power to revoke or suspend a license, or issue other reprimands against a licensee. If you do not understand the board’s rules or enforcement process, you may inadvertently harm your ability to defend yourself. Complicating matters, each licensing board operates under its own set of rules and regulations and each has its own process on how complaints and investigations are handled.
The guidance of an experienced professional license defense attorney may prove invaluable. Your attorney will be your advocate, can ensure your rights are protected, and can craft a powerful defense against the allegations pending against you.
If you are offered an Agreed Order or proposal for sanctions from your licensing board, your attorney can help your evaluate your options and make wise choices. If you must appear at the State Office of Administrative Hearings, your attorney will navigate the propounding of evidence and questioning of witnesses.
Having legal representation by your side is your best option if you must appear before your licensing board.

Hiring an Attorney for Representation Before Your Licensing Board

When hiring an attorney for matters before a licensing board, make sure you select someone with experience in professional license defense and administrative law.
Our attorneys have years of experience in advocating for clients from a wide variety of backgrounds. We know how to navigate the complaint process against any professional, medical, or vocational license. We have successfully defended real estate agents, CPA’s, and fellow attorneys, doctors, nurses, and dentists, police officers, firefighters, and electricians.
No matter your profession, we are prepared to represent you at any legal hearing or proceeding regarding your license. Our attorneys thoroughly understand Texas administrative law, licensing board rules, and state and federal laws and how they apply to each case. We use this information to custom design the best possible defense for each client we represent.
We are the law firm professionals turn to when they are facing allegations of wrongdoing and need strong representation before a Texas licensing board. With offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, we are able to represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas.
Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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