Understanding the national practitioner data bank 1

The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) is a website of information about various adverse actions taken against health care practitioners, providers, and suppliers. It’s stated Mission is: To improve health care quality, protect the public, and reduce health care fraud and abuse in the U.S. The NPDB was established by Congress in 1986 and serves a number of purposes:

  • It allows hospitals, clinics, licensing boards, and other entities to easily access information when considering whether to extend job offers, practice privileges, licensure, or other opportunities to health care professionals.
  • It prevents practitioners from moving state-to-state without disclosure of previous damaging performance.
  • The NPDB serves as one element of sanctions against providers who are found to have violated licensing rules or professional conduct.

Reports are confidential and not available to the public. However, federal regulations authorize eligible entities to make queries to the NPDB. Adverse reporting with the NPDB can affect a health care provider’s ability to get a job, secure practice privileges, and/or obtain medical malpractice insurance coverage.
Understanding Your Rights with the National Practitioner Data Bank
If a report against you is added to the NPDB, you will receive a notification letter. You have the right to access any report made against you with the NPDB. If you or your organization has been notified of a report, you can review that report here.
At any time, you have the right to run a Self-Query with the NPDB. You can order a search of your information in the NPDB for $4.00. The query results are available online and will also be sent via a sealed letter in the mail.
You have the right to respond to a report against you in the NPDB. You may either add a statement to your report to provide any additional information you would like included with the report. Or, you may initiate a dispute to disagree with the factual accuracy of the report or the validity of the report’s submission in accordance with NPDB requirements. Both an added statement and a report dispute are disclosed to:

  • The agency who provided the report to NPDB,
  • All entities who have received a copy of the report during the past three years, and
  • To those who receive the report in the future.

Your professional license is your livelihood. Responding to an adverse report against you with the NPDB may be in your best interest. If you have been notified of a report, an experienced professional licensing defense attorney can help you navigate the NPDB response process.
To learn more about what happens when a disciplinary action against you is added to the NPDB, read our article here. While the NPDB’s intent is well-meaning, you may need protection from errant or inaccurate reporting. Download our free e-book here, which offers tips on protecting yourself and your professional license.
BERTOLINO LLP represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. If you are facing a report with the NPDB or disciplinary action from a professional licensing board, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757.

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