Bertolino april disciplinary action 1

The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) is a national clearinghouse of information about various adverse actions taken against health care providers. Hospitals, clinics, licensing boards and other entities may use this information when considering whether to extend practice privileges, job offers, licensure or other opportunities to health professionals. It’s important to be aware of the importance of this databank, and what to do if you’re the subject of a negative report.
NPDB provides access to reports for many organizations including:

  • Hospitals and health care entities
  • Federal and state licensing and certification agencies (such as the Texas Board of Medicine and the Texas Board of Nursing)
  • Federal and state law enforcement agencies
  • State Medicaid Fraud Control Units
  • Health plans
  • Professional societies with formal peer review
  • Quality improvement organizations

When a report is added to the NPDB, the system sends a notification to the practitioner. (The NPDB also has a web page for individuals can use to see their own NPDB presence.)
If you become the subject of a report in the NPDB database, you can challenge the report through its Submit a Statement web page. The statement, which has 4,000-character limit, does not change the original report, but a copy of the statement will be sent to any entity that requested the report within the previous three (3) years, and it will be included with any future requests for the report.
You may also dispute the substance of report: You can challenge the relevant facts, the procedure by which the report was submitted, and the eligibility of the entity that reported the information. More information about the dispute process is available on the NPDB’s Dispute a Report web page.
If you cannot settle the dispute over the report, you can also bring a claim to Dispute Resolution. A lawyer can help you navigate this process.
While the NPDB’s intent is well-meaning, you may need protection from errant or inaccurate reporting. Our free e-Book offers tips on protecting yourself; download it today. And if you find yourself dealing with NPDB issue or any other licensing problem, consider contacting our attorneys for a consultation.

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