Defending texas ems professionals against complaints

The dedicated EMTs and paramedics of Texas help our citizens when they are in dire need of medical aid. They are the lifeblood of the emergency rescue system in our state’s healthcare infrastructure, and they go through a great deal of training to earn their Emergency Medical Services certification or license. Yet all it may take is one formal complaint to ruin the reputation, career, and livelihood of one of these brave and selfless heroes.
EMS workers come in five tiers: Emergency Care Attendants, EMT-Basics, Advanced EMTs, EMT-Paramedics, and Licensed Paramedics. Any of these professionals may face formal complaints filed with the EMS Compliance Unit of the Texas Department of State Health Services. This Unit is also the regulatory body that investigates these complaints—among which the most common are: drug diversion; criminal conduct; unprofessional conduct with the potential to harm the public; reckless operation of an ambulance; failure to follow protocol and furnish the Department with information it has requested; deficiencies in supplies, equipment, or medication; failure to properly document the administration of treatment and medication; and practicing with an expired license or certificate.

Receiving A Formal Complaint

When the Unit receives a complaint, it initially determines whether it has jurisdiction to pursue it. If so, and it is determined that there has been a potential violation of the Texas EMS rules or the Emergency Health Care Act, then an investigation is launched, and the EMT is notified.
It is always imperative that an experienced professional license defense attorney be contacted as soon as possible after an EMS professional receives notice of a complaint about any reason. We offer the best opportunity for navigation of the legal process and mounting a strong defense. BERTOLINO LLP will go the distance from the very first stage of the process (where we can be effective at forestalling disciplinary proceedings) all the way to the end of any disciplinary proceedings that may occur as a result.
To best serve our clients, we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form