
When you have your medical license, you need to do everything you can to protect it since your livelihood depends upon it. You have spent many years getting credentialed so you can practice medicine and help people, and you do not want to take any risks which could result in the loss of your career. If you are accused of wrongdoing, it is very important to get prompt help with medical license defense so you can fight the accusations, protect your reputation, and maintain your right to help patients.

10 Situations Where a Medical License is at Risk

The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy recently provided a summary of 10 common scenarios which can result in the loss of a license as a physical therapist. Many of these same behaviors are the types of actions which could also result in the loss of a medical license. These 10 situations which doctors and all care provider should avoid include:

  • Inappropriate sexual activities: Sexual activity with patients of any sort can result in big trouble.
  • Substance abuse: Substance abuse can quickly spiral out of control, and being intoxicated while performing work or abusing the right to prescribe can result in disciplinary action.
  • Criminal convictions: Being accused of certain criminal acts could result in a threat to your license.
  • Fraud or misrepresentation: Insurance fraud is an especially big issue.
  • Abuse of patients: Treating patients in a harmful manner can result in harsh consequences.
  • Violations of rules for prescribing or administering medication: Many doctors face discipline for overprescribing or making other mistakes with prescription medications.
  • Poor record keeping or documentation: You need to maintain appropriate medical records for patients.
  • Practicing without a license: You must know the rules for practicing medicine in different states to avoid issues.
  • Violating doctor/patient boundaries: Maintaining a professional distance from patients and knowing what the boundaries are is essential to avoid accusations of wrongdoing.
  • Other types of unethical behavior. You must behave according to professional and ethical standards befitting the medical population. Unethical behavior in your professional life could result in discipline, up-to-and-including the loss of your license, depending upon the nature of your misconduct.

While you can take smart steps to manage your behavior and to avoid risks, there are some types of alleged wrongdoing which cannot be avoided even with care. Whether false accusations are made, innocent actions are misinterpreted, or mistakes get out of hand, there are certain reasons beyond your control which could lead to disciplinary action. In any situation, no matter what you have been accused of doing, you want to get medical license defense to try to minimize penalties or avoid penalties altogether. The most important goal is always going to be keeping your medical license so you can maintain the right to work in the helping profession you have worked so hard to become a part of.

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