Boards and agencies overseeing medical professionals in texas

There are many different boards and agencies in Texas that exist to furnish Medical professionals with their licenses to practice their chosen professions. Each of these licensing organizations plays a large role—some might even say an outsized role—in the lives of its licensees.

All licensing agencies and boards in Texas are designed putatively to protect the public from improper behaviors and maintenance performed by licensee practitioners who fall under the organizations’ jurisdictions. In the medical field, these boards and agencies set particularly high bars. In fact, it is common for the boards and agencies to behave as though a practitioner were guilty until proven innocent when a complaint against that practitioner’s license is submitted to them.

The boards and agencies with which a medical practitioner in the state of Texas must contend, depending on their specialty, include:

  • The Texas Medical Board. This board provides licenses to physicians, acupuncturists, physician assistants, surgical assistants, and so forth.
  • The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners. Dentists, dental assistants, and dental hygienists are all licensed by this board.
  • The Texas Board of Nursing oversees the licenses of nurses at every professional level.
  • The Texas State Board of Pharmacy handles licenses to practice pharmacy.
  • The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) manages the licenses of Podiatrists, as well as Orthotists and Prosthetists.
  • The Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists handles licensure of psychologists, while
  • The Texas Health and Human Services Commission deal with licensure elements for Marriage and Family Therapists.
  • Since Veterinarians fall into the rubric of medical services, they make this list as well—and they are governed by the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.

When a practitioner licensed by any of these Boards or Agencies learns that a complaint has been made against them, they should first steel themselves for battle. The board from which they have earned their license will now be gunning for them. Their best bet is to contact a medical license defense attorney as quickly as possible.

BERTOLINO LLP proudly represents those attempting licensure or fighting threats to their licenses across the entire State of Texas, and we have a solid track record of success. To best serve our clients we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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