How a texas acupuncturist can defend their license

The licensed acupuncturists of Texas work hard for years to earn their right to ease the pain of our citizens using time-tested techniques based in non-surgical and non-incisive methods, as well as herbal and dietary guidelines that are non-invasive yet effective. The Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners, a subsidiary organization of the Texas Medical Board, is the oversight authority for these practitioners. It maintains the profession using strong licensing regulations. A formal complaint made to the Board can result in disciplinary action being taken against a practitioner, up to and including loss of their license to practice—and, as a result, loss of their livelihood.
When the Board receives a formal complaint against an acupuncture practitioner, it must first examine the complaint to determine whether the allegations made do, in fact fall within its jurisdiction. If they do, then the Board will launch an investigation. At this point, the practitioner is notified of the complaint against their license and offered the opportunity to respond to the allegations with a response letter.
The response letter is the first, best step in an effective defense, as it can help to contain the scope of the investigation to follow if well-written. If poorly written, the opposite may occur. Many are the practitioners who have chosen to compose this letter on their own, and, out of a lack of objectivity, have accidentally included information that invited the Board to expand their investigatory scope. It is therefore highly recommended that any acupuncturist contact a professional license defense attorney as soon as they receive their notice of complaint from the Board. We know the right information to include and what to leave out in order to create the best possible scope for the complaint process to come. We also know the proper way to manage the investigation and the various hearings that follow.

Contact an experienced acupuncturist license defense in Texas

BERTOLINO LLP is the representation you need. We handle matters related to complaints, ethics, and other important professional licensing issues. If you have received a complaint against your acupuncture license, BERTOLINO LLP can help. To best serve our clients, we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio.
Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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