The fear of losing their license has kept many Texas physicians from seeking help with problems of substance abuse. This remains the case, even despite the increased awareness in society about the details of the issue, which has also resulted in a decreasing of the stigma once attached to it. We all know about the opioid problem that has swept our nation, and we are all aware of alcohol’s pernicious effect on the lives of friends, loved ones, and even ourselves. However, it is one thing when it is a statistic or just someone else. It’s another when it’s you. And Texas has made it possible for physicians to handle their substance abuse problems without necessarily going through disciplinary action.
The Texas Medical Board assists in administrating the Texas Physician Health Program, which was designed by the Texas Legislature (via Texas Administrative Code Title 22, section 180) to deal with precisely this issue—along with psychiatric conditions and physical illnesses. Its purpose is to provide physicians with a recovery program that is designed to meet their particular needs, as well as education and assistance with diagnosis and treatment. Its goal is to protect the health of Texans by protecting the health of those who heal them. It perceives substance abuse to be a treatable condition, and, once treated, to not stand in the way of a physician continuing to have a productive and beneficial practice in the field of medicine.
Other physician health programs exist as well. It is highly recommended, if you’ve begun to suspect you have a problem with abuse of substances, that you get in touch with one of these programs. Going through them does not create a disciplinary action with the Board or put your license in danger. Indeed, the opposite may be true: if you continue to practice while affected by substance abuse, you are likely to put your license in danger of revocation—and, quite possibly, to hurt someone else in the process. The best way to protect your license from revocation is to forestall the disciplinary process altogether.
But if you find your license under attack, your best bet is to contact a professional license defense attorney at the earliest possible moment.

Medical License Defense

BERTOLINO LLP provides aggressive advocacy for medical professionals who are facing disciplinary action before the Texas licensing boards and agencies—whether for substance abuse or for any other reason. We know how to build a strong case to protect your license—and your livelihood. We highly recommend that no physician attempt to handle a complaint made against their license without the aid of a professional license defense attorney.
Our law firm helps medical professionals, like you, keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by a state agency or board.
With offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, we serve clients all over the state. As experienced attorneys, well-versed in state and federal laws, we know how to win. Our results speak for themselves!
If you are facing disciplinary action from the Texas Medical Board, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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