If someone filed a complaint because they believe you’ve operated unethically or wrongfully, you’re probably worried about your appraiser’s license, career, and future. Dealing with a professional complaint can be frightening, but the team at Bertolino LLP is here to give you peace of mind and help you navigate the complaint process.
An Austin appraiser license defense attorney from our team will defend your professional license and provide step-by-step information on how to respond to a complaint. Let’s learn more about the actions you should take after receiving a complaint to avoid license revocation and other unwanted penalties.
Don’t Wait to Respond to the Complaint
When an appraisal management company or another party believes you have breached ethical or professional standards, they may file a complaint with the Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board (TALCB). The TALCB is the body that regulates, certifies, and licenses real estate appraisers in the state of Texas.
Once the TALCB has received a complaint regarding your professional conduct, they’ll notify you by sending you a letter. Upon receiving a complaint against your appraiser license, you’ll have no more than 20 days to respond. Your response must include evidence and other materials that defend against the allegations made against you.
If you’ve received a letter from the TALCB about your appraiser license, your first reaction might be to contact the board and respond to the complaint verbally. This is a huge mistake, as you’ll likely say something that can be used against you. Instead, you’ll want to hire a skilled appraiser license defense lawyer from Austin to help you craft a measured response.
Include the Correct Materials in Your Response to the Complaint
To construct an adequate response to the complaint filed against your appraiser license, you’ll need to include several important materials.
An attorney can help you gather the following documents and compile them into a well-written response letter:
- A copy of the relevant appraisal report
- A copy of the work file for the appraisal report along with a statement, signed under oath that confirms no additions or removals were made to the document
- A written response to every allegation made in the appraiser license complaint
- The names and contact information of any individuals who know about the matter you’ve received a complaint for
- Documents that defend against the allegations that weren’t included in the work file are labeled non-work files and are kept separately from the work file
- A copy of the answers to the TALCB questionnaire that is signed and dated
Whether you’ve been accused of fraud, unlicensed activity, unethical conduct, or another type of violation, you’ll want to make sure your response is based on strong evidence and as sound as possible. To draft an effective response, consider working with a trusted legal representative.
What Happens After You’ve Responded to a Complaint Filed Against Your Appraiser License
Once you’ve responded to the appraiser license complaint that was filed against you, several different things will happen. Here’s what you can expect once you and an appraiser license defense lawyer from Auston have responded to the complaint letter:
- Investigator’s review: An investigator will review the complaint and figure out if you’ve broken the law, TALCB rules, or Uniform Standards of Professional Practice.
- Recommendation: The investigator will submit relevant documents to the TALCB Enforcement attorney and recommend a dismissal of the complaint, a warning letter, an informal conference, or disciplinary action.
- Further Proceedings: If the investigator recommends a form of disciplinary action that you don’t agree to, the initial complaint will be handed to an administrative law judge for prosecution. You and your appraiser license defense attorney can present evidence and witness testimony to the judge, who will make a final decision on your case.
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Why You Should Hire an Attorney to Respond to Your Appraiser License Complaint
When a complaint has been filed against your professional license, your right to practice in your field, your future, and your financial stability are all in jeopardy. To make sure you have the best legal defense possible, you’ll want to work with an experienced attorney.
A seasoned lawyer can ensure your response letter is properly worded, well-supported, and doesn’t contain any information that could be used to hurt your case. Ultimately, a lawyer can take every measure possible to help you avoid the following consequences:
- Remedial measures
- Require you to adopt written preventative procedures or policies
- Probation with provisions for monitoring your practice
- Restrictions on your ability to supervise trainees
- Restrictions on the general scope of your appraising practice
- Administrative consequences
- Require you to issue a refund
- License suspension
- License revocation
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Schedule a Free Consultation With an Appraiser License Defense Attorney from Austin
Responding to a complaint filed against your appraiser license can be stressful and confusing. Luckily, the team at Bertolino, LLP is here to guide you through the process and work tirelessly to protect you from serious disciplinary actions.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an appraiser license defense lawyer from Austin, TX. An attorney from our firm will meet with you to discuss the allegations that have been made against you and determine what your best course of action is. We look forward to hearing from you soon and protecting your right to practice.
Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form