Black friday 1

It’s the holiday season once again. That means road trips for long-awaited visits with family, school pageants at which hundreds of parents vie for the best spot to hold up their cameras or smartphones, and endless streams of wonderful food at the office and home. It also can be the time of crowded stores, impatient shoppers, and even retail violence as people shove and fight to get access to the hot item being advertised.

If you escaped Black Friday with only positive shopping experiences, you might think your chance for problems with your fellow consumers has passed for the year. But the crowds will continue right up to Christmas and then again as the post-holiday clearance sales and rush to exchange items take place. And in Houston earlier this month, large groups hoping for a chance at some coveted footwear ended up causing some real problems for local police.

The new Nike Air Jordan sneakers, “Air Jordan 11 Retro” Legend Blue,” were released last weekend. Anticipating the popularity, retailers like Foot Locker planned to issue tickets a week ahead of time, and those who obtained one would be welcome to return to the store and purchase their shoes. The number of people who waited in line for hours for a ticket grew to the hundreds at several area malls. Some became restless and started pushing one another, and eventually, at one location, rocks were thrown through the glass entrance.

In most instances, stores take great precautions to ensure the safety of their shoppers. They do want you to come back again, after all. Foot Locker had barricades in place, and the whole purpose of the tickets was to avoid problems on the day the shoes became available. But there are times when dangerous situations could have been avoided with better planning or security. If this sounds familiar and you have been injured due to another’s negligence, you deserve compensation.

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We have personal injury attorneys at Bertolino LLP who are ready to work with you if your holiday shopping has brought a slip and fall on untended wet surfaces, bumps, and bruises from an aggressive shopper who was not promptly removed or an injury from displays not properly balanced. These incidents do matter, and we can help. Please contact us today.

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