When a texas nurse is issued a board order

The licenses of nurses in the state of Texas are governed by the Texas Board of Nursing. This Board has been granted the authority to oversee and discipline any nurse found to have behaved in contradiction to the standards of the profession, or who has violated Board rules or the Nursing Practice Act.

Such a scenario results in the Board issuing a Board Order to the licensee. These Board Orders are descriptions of the case containing the board’s facts, any legal conclusions made based upon these facts, and the terms that the Board has determined will apply to the licensee. After being ratified, the Board Order becomes binding on the nurse at question, who now is required to comply with the terms described within the Order. A failure to do so will result in the application of further sanctions, up to suspension of the nurse’s license—and in some cases, even revocation of their license.

The duration of employment requirements included in a Board Order usually last at least a year. There are many types of conditions. It depends upon the level of the nurse’s license and the violation in which they have engaged, as every case is different. But among these requirements, we do find a certain number of fairly common ones. Among these are that nurse may be required to inform the Board of every employer they work for, and to have the employers fill out a Notification of Employment Information form. As part of this, the nurse is required to supply their employer with copies of the Order, so that the employer can be sure the nurse is in compliance with the other requirements included therein. The Board may also require the nurse to be directly (or indirectly) supervised by another nurse as they practice nursing, with the added requirement that the supervising nurse submits nursing performance evaluations every quarter.

Of course, it is best to avoid receiving a Board Order altogether. The best way to do this is to obtain the aid of an experienced nursing license defense attorney. Call BERTOLINO LLP as soon as you can. The more time we have to create a strong professional license defense, the better the case is likely to go.

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We proudly represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. If you are facing disciplinary action for any reason, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 to schedule a case evaluation. To best serve our clients, we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio.

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