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Your license has come under attack, and it feels like the entire world knows. You’re afraid your online reputation will never recover. Time will obviously help, but that doesn’t mean that you must just wait for this to all blow over. Instead, there are some steps you can take to minimize the damage.
Step 1: Find out what is being said.
It probably won’t be fun to read it, but you need to know what you’re up against. Start by typing your name into Google and other search engines. Next, search for yourself on professional listing and review sites, like Yelp and Healthgrades, as well as the local offices of the Chamber of Commerce and Better Business Bureau. Archive everything­—print a copy or save it as a PDF. Don’t rely on a URL to find it again.
Step 2:  Formulate a response plan for online statements.
No matter what you find, as much as you are tempted, do not respond! Instead, first discuss the issue with your attorney. You absolutely do not want to make any statement about a pending investigation without talking to counsel. Otherwise, you may end up inadvertently impacting your defense, by adding new witnesses, creating inconsistent statements and more.
If your online reputation has been severely damaged, there are services you can pay to help you fix it: There are also fee-based services that will monitor what others say about you. A warning though—not every reputation management service is legitimate, so choose wisely.
Step 3: Create an in-person response plan.
Again, discuss with your attorney before responding to any online statements or postings. But if your actions hurt another person, consider whether it’s appropriate for you to apologize. Studies have found that a good, sincere apology has prevented legal malpractice actions.
Step 4: Do good deeds and work.
Look for opportunities to volunteer in the community and help others, and then stick with those efforts for the long haul. An extended stretch of altruism will go far in repairing a damaged reputation.
BERTOLINO LLP has been defending Texas professionals for years. We use a creative, results-driven approach to help you get the best possible outcome in your case. We speak for our clients. Our results speak for themselves.
If you are facing allegations of professional misconduct or disciplinary action, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
BERTOLINO LLP proudly represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. To best serve our clients we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio.

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