Bertolino july 19 2017 self talk post 1

You spent years building up your practice, and now everything you’ve worked to create could crumble. It could be expensive to fix. It could challenge you psychologically and lead to fights at home. But you can extract useful lessons from this experience.
First, step back and appreciate the “gift” that’s hidden in tough times. This is your chance to take stock of what really matters. Have you been working too much? Taken on too much stress? Would hiring an assistant help you better manage your work and life? This is your chance to see those burdens clearly and make those changes.
Next, look around to see who is still with you. Troubled times can make it clear which relationships are deep and which ones are shallow—and which ones are toxic. Who is ignoring your calls and texts? Who encouraged you to do the things that got you into trouble? This is the time to nourish good relationships and weed out bad ones.
Third, create some new, healthy habits. Maybe that means exercise, like running, cycling or yoga. Maybe it’s an outdoor hobby like fishing or hiking. This is the time for you take up painting, gardening or journaling. Whatever it is that speaks to your soul, indulge in that practice—and then keep it up even when your life is back on track. Having that outlet will help you make better choices in the future.
Finally, you built a successful practice before. You can do it again. You made friends before and earned the respect of colleagues and community members—you can do it again. Use this time to assess and regroup and you’ll be able to bounce back, better than ever.
BERTOLINO LLP has been defending Texas professionals for years. We use a creative, results-driven approach to help you get the best possible outcome in your case. We speak for our clients. Our results speak for themselves.
If you are facing allegations of professional misconduct or disciplinary action, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
BERTOLINO LLP proudly represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. To best serve our clients, we have offices in Austin, Houston and San Antonio.

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