What types of complaints does the texas education agency handle

The Texas Education Agency is headquartered at the William B. Travis Building in downtown Austin. While they are responsible for handling a wide range of complaints regarding the school system, and even their agency itself, the overall goal of the TEA is to see that students are receiving a good education in the public-school system. They supervise primary and secondary school administrations, providing the resources and guidance necessary.
Along with the State Board of Education and the State Board for Educator Certification, the TEA oversees all programs and activities occurring in the Texas public school system. The SBOE is made up of 15 members, each representing a different region of Texas, with one of the members being designated by the governor. The SBEC has 11 voting members, as well as three who are non-voting. They are responsible for creating policies for educators, as well as handing down disciplinary measures when required.
TEA handles a wide range of complaints that include:

  • Educator misconduct
  • Violation of school programs
  • Misuse of funds meant for public education
  • Falsification or fraud regarding records or certifications

If you are a teacher in the Texas public-school system, and are concerned that a complaint may be or has already been filed against you, it is important to be aware of the process that will follow. You should also consult with an experienced Texas license defense attorney, as the outcome of such proceedings could seriously affect your career.
Complaints (anonymous grievances are not accepted) must be sent in writing to the TEA, who then evaluates them regarding jurisdiction and whether the incidents reflect actual educator violations. If complaints are to be delved into further, that is the job of TEA investigators. The SBEC is then in charge of educator discipline for any misconduct, generally focusing on issues such as school activities which violate the law, educators who may be considered unfit to teach, ethics issues, contract problems, and more.
According to the TEA, the SBEC is also responsible for disciplining other professionals (aside from teachers) involved in the educational system to include:

  • Administrators
  • Counselors
  • Librarians
  • Educational diagnosticians
  • Applicants for certification
  • Individuals participating in educator preparation programs

As soon as you are notified that an investigation is being conducted against you, contact the experienced license defense attorneys of BERTOLINO LLP. Our law firm helps professionals, like you, keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by a state agency or board. Our results speak for themselves.
Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 to schedule a case evaluation.

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