
In today’s world of Facebook and Instagram and Twitter, there is very little that seems to be private anymore. Old and embarrassing yearbooks photos from 1983 suddenly show up for public viewing. Skip out of work to attend a ball game? Better make sure your friend in the next seat doesn’t “tag” you as being there. And when you are a celebrity, take this social media intrusion and multiply it by a thousand. Everywhere you go, there will be people eager to snap a photo of you doing something inappropriate or unattractive or even illegal.

That brings us to Justin Bieber. He visited our great state recently, specifically taking some time to patronize a couple of nightclubs in Houston. He is legally an adult now and has the right to do such things. However, he still cannot consume alcohol and there is now a photo circulating on the internet that may be showing him doing just that.

While at Nox Houston and hanging out with boxer Floyd Mayweather, Jr., a beer bottle somehow found its way into Justin’s hand. The club promoter insists that Bieber only consumed water all night, but the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission may not take this gentleman at his word. If it turns out the club was allowing underage drinking, which is only alleged at this point, legal troubles could be in store.

If you have a license to serve alcohol at your bar or restaurant, you need to take allegations such as one now facing Nox seriously. You have worked hard to establish your business and invested a lot of money and training into earning that license. Don’t risk your livelihood by assuming one person’s complaint is no big deal.

Click to contact our professional license defense lawyers today

At Bertolino LLP, we have attorneys who are experienced in dealing with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and will work to make sure your professional name is cleared when unmerited accusations are made. If someone is filing a claim that you served underage customers, don’t waste any time. Call our Austin, Houston or San Antonio office today!

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