How texas child care operations can fight enforcement actions by ccl

Texas’s child care operations fall under the regulatory auspices of Texas Child Care Licensing (CCL), a subsidiary to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. CCL’s responsibility is to permit and monitor both operations and agencies within its realm of subject matter to ensure that they are in compliance with all state laws, licensing standards, and agency rules. In other words, it regulates every child care operation and child placing agency in the state. As a matter of course it investigates reports of daycares neglecting or abusing children, and it investigates formal complaints that allege violations of minimum operating standards.
Naturally, child care operations fear receiving notice of a report or complaint and the investigation that is to follow. These businesses are formed by people who care deeply about their mission of caring for children, and to learn that there is even a chance that their operation is perceived as failing to live up to that mission is punishment in and of itself. But there are disciplinary measures that CCL might take which make the situation even more dire. In the case where CCL finds indications of continued failure to comply with rules, minimum standards, or laws governing child care, adverse actions may include creating an adverse amendment to the business’s permit containing conditions; suspending the business’s license on an involuntary or emergency basis; and full revocation of the license to be in the business of caring for children. The reputations of those responsible for the business tend to go down the drain in the wake of such an occurrence.

Call A Professional License Defense Attorney

Therefore, the moment a child care operation receives notification of a complaint, its owners should immediately contact an experienced professional license defense attorney. Our law firm helps child care operations keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack. With offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, we serve professionals and organizations all over the state. As experienced attorneys, well-versed in state administrative and licensure laws, we know how to win. Our results speak for themselves!
If you are facing disciplinary action, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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