Recent hallmark achievements for bertolino llp clients

BERTOLINO LLP has successfully helped clients resolve a wide range of complicated legal matters involving professional license defense, medical license defense, and vocational license defense. Our attorneys know how to build a strong case to protect your license – and your livelihood.
Recent Hallmark Achievements for BERTOLINO LLP Clients
If you are facing a professional licensing issue in Texas, our firm is prepared to help you. We believe our results speak for themselves.
Texas Real Estate Commission
In a case brought by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC), our client M.R., a real estate broker and corporate officer for a corporate brokerage, faced prosecution by TREC based on their failure to secure a license for the brokerage.
M.R. had conducted real estate transactions through the corporate brokerage for more than four years, totally nearly 200 transactions. TREC rules authorize the agency to impose a $5,000 for each transaction, meaning M.R. could have been required to pay nearly $1,000,000 in penalties.
However, based on evidence showing the violations was a good faith mistake our firm relayed and M.R.’s full cooperation with TREC, the imposed penalty was only $2,500. Further, M.R. was permitted to obtain a license for the corporate brokerage so they are in compliance moving forward. M.R. was not even made to appear for a hearing before their matter was resolved.
Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Our client, T.H. applied to the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists for licensure. T.H. received notice the Board was denying their application due to the fact that a gap of greater than two years existed between the date of completion of T.H.’s hours of supervised experience and the date of T.H.’s application for licensure.
A Board rule allows for a waiver of this two-year gap rule upon a showing of “good cause.” The Board invited T.H. to make a case for such good cause, which led T.H. to hire our firm to represent them at the Board meeting. We attended the Board meeting with T.H. and presented a case for why good cause warranted a waiver of the two-year gap rule. After successfully making the case, the Board granted the waiver and will issue a license to T.H.
Texas Medical Board
Our client, A.S., M.D. was terminated from their fellowship because they left an intern to watch a patient while they attended to a personal matter. Although A.S. was available by phone and responded to a question posed by the intern via text message, the Fellowship Director considered leaving the premises improper.
Consequently, A.S. lost their VISA status because of their termination from the fellowship. A.S. was forced to move out of state and live apart from their spouse for more than a year.
The Fellowship Director submitted documentation to the Texas Medical Board, claiming that A.S. had competency and integrity issues. By providing TMB a written explanation of exactly what happened and A.S.’s rehabilitation from the incident, we convinced TMB that A.S. had the requisite character and fitness to be trusted with a license. TMB granted their application days after we submitted the written explanation. A.S. has since returned to their fellowship and is on their way to full medical licensure.
The above are only a few of the hallmark achievements from the license defense attorneys of BERTOLINO LLP. To read what some of our satisfied clients have to say about us, please visit our testimonials page.

The Texas Law Firm, BERTOLINO LLP Will Fight to Protect Your License and Livelihood

The professional license defense lawyers at BERTOLINO LLP provide aggressive advocacy for our clients who are facing disciplinary action from a licensing board, agency, or commission in Texas. We handle matters related to licenses, grievance complaints, ethics complaints, and other important professional licensing issues. Our Firm has an impeccable reputation throughout the Lone Star State.
If your professional license is at risk of suspension or revocation, BERTOLINO LLP can help. We represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas.
Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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