Recent case results for bertolino llp clients

You know it is serious when allegations of misconduct are made against your professional license. Even if you believe the complaint to be baseless, it puts your license, reputation, and possibly your career at risk. It is imperative that you mount a strong defense against the pending allegations. The best way to ensure the most favorable outcome in your case is to hire an experienced license defense attorney from the start.
At BERTOLINO LLP are proud of the work we do. We have helped clients resolve a wide range of complicated legal matters involving professional license defense, medical license defense, and vocational license defense. We know how to build a strong case to protect your license―and your livelihood. Recent Notable Results BERTOLINO LLP Won for Our Clients Our attorneys thoroughly understand state and federal laws and how they apply to each case. We use this information to custom design the best possible defense for each client.

  • Texas Real Estate Commission v. H.A.
    • Our Client, H.A., a real estate broker, faced four complaints filed by an aggressive attorney in H.A.’s community with political ambitions, on behalf of four sets of clients of H.A.
    • The Complaints collectively alleged that H.A. engaged in predatory practices against these clients in his capacity as broker, by failing to disclose certain information he was purportedly required to disclose.
    • The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) prosecuted H.A. for each of the Complaints but ultimately dismissed all four complaints.
    • BERTOLINO LLP secured a dismissal of all four complaints through a single written submission for each of the complaints. We provided satisfactory proof that many of the purportedly required disclosures did not apply because of H.A.’s legal status in those transactions.
    • Despite the severity of the allegations against our client, we preserved his license and alleviated the need for a hearing or negotiations with TREC.
  • Texas State Board of Dental Examiners v. K.S., DDS
    • Our Client, K.S., DDS, faced a complaint filed by a client who claimed to have been harmed by bridgework which K.S. was involved in.
    • The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners prosecuted the Complaint, alleging that K.S. breached the standard of care in bridgework and that she failed to maintain adequate records for the treatment provided to the complainant.
    • We secured a dismissal of the Complaint at an informal conference before a panel of the Board, following a single written submission, wherein we proved that K.S. indeed maintained perfectly adequate treatment records and was not at fault for the issues which transpired with the bridge. In fact, the complainant’s conduct contributed heavily to the issues, and the remaining liability belonged to the laboratory responsible for producing the bridge.
  • Texas Board of Nursing v. C.O.
    • The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) prosecuted a complaint against our Client, C.O., LVN, which alleged she was responsible for a patient death, which was caused by discontinued seizure medication.
    • While C.O. inadvertently discontinued the seizure medication, she was not responsible for the patient’s death. C.O. was a PRN nurse who only visited the pertinent facility twice a month. The facility had a number of policies and procedures in place designed to catch medication errors before they caused serious patient harm. At least ten full-time employees at the facility were charged with carrying out these policies, but all ignored them.
    • The patient did not begin to experience seizures until thirteen days after the medication was discontinued, meaning that the medication error policies were ignored for the same span. The error was not caught until sixteen days after the discontinuation, which occurred on the next shift C.O. worked at the facility. By then, the patient had to be transferred to a larger facility, and soon thereafter passed away.
    • By providing the Board with a thorough explanation of the willful violations of the facility’s medication error policies and expounding the details of C.O.’s stellar ten-year career as a nurse, we secured a remedial, non-disciplinary settlement for our Client.
  • Texas Medical Board v. G.V., M.D.
    • The Texas Medical Board (TMB) began prosecuting our Client, G.V., M.D., after he self-reported an arrest which occurred on Christmas Day of 2015. The arrest was purportedly based on driving while intoxicated, but there were a number of acts committed by the charging police department, which called the integrity of their claims into question.
    • After receiving the self-report, the TMB searched for further bases to prosecute our Client. The Board found records, suggesting that our Client had been improperly prescribing medications to his wife.
    • V.’s criminal law attorney worked to secure a dismissal of the criminal charges against him based on lack of evidence (i.e. the chain of custody was non-existent for a blood sample that took a month to arrive at the lab, and dash video of the field sobriety test, which would have exculpated our Client, was conspicuously missing).
    • Concurrently, BERTOLINO LLP addressed G.V.’s administrative law matters with the Texas Medical Board. We explained the Board that our Client was engaged in a successful regimen of collaborative medicine, wherein he did not write the original prescriptions, but rather, issued refills, with the full knowledge and consent of the original prescribers.
    • After G.V.’s criminal law attorney secured a dismissal of the criminal charges, we convinced the Board to take non-disciplinary action. Instead of the severe discipline originally proposed by the Board, G.V. need only to enroll in continuing education courses related to proper prescribing practices and pay a fine.

The above are only a few of the hallmark achievements from the license defense attorneys of BERTOLINO LLP. To read what some of our satisfied clients have to say about us, please visit our testimonials page.

The Texas Law Firm, BERTOLINO LLP Will Fight to Protect Your License and Livelihood

We provide aggressive advocacy for our clients who are facing disciplinary action from a licensing board, agency, or commission in Texas. We handle matters related to licenses, grievance complaints, ethics complaints, and other important professional licensing issues.
The professional license defense lawyers at BERTOLINO LLP have consistently won significant cases for doctors, nurses, lawyers, architects, pharmacists and other professionals dealing with issues that could jeopardize their ability to work. We know how to build a persuasive case to protect your license―and your livelihood. “Our law firm helps professionals, like you, keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by a state agency or board.” -Tony R. Bertolino, Managing Partner If your professional license is at risk of suspension or revocation, BERTOLINO LLP can help. We represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. Our honest, experienced attorneys will fight aggressively on behalf of your license and reputation. Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation. Get a copy of Tony R. Bertolino’s #1 Bestselling book When Your License is Under Attack: A Survival Guide for Texas Professionals in hardcover or for Kindle here.

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