Protect your license to teach

You worked hard to become a teacher. You earned your bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. You completed an Educator Preparation Program. You passed your certification exams. You applied with the state after ensuring you met all of the requirements to do so. You even got your fingerprints taken as part of a national criminal background check, which, naturally, you passed. And you’ve been active in your chosen field, perhaps for years now, aiming to give Texas students the best chance at achieving productive lives. The last thing you want is for your license to teach to become at risk of revocation.
Any complaint received against you by the Texas Education Agency, which enforces the State Board for Educator Certification’s ethics, does exactly that. This is not a matter at which you can just wave a hand and hope for the best.
The activities for which teachers may find themselves in trouble are many. Among these are:

  • Being for some reason unworthy to instruct or supervise the state’s youth
  • Contract abandonment
  • Violation of the security or integrity of a state assessment
  • School or educational activities that violate the law
  • Conviction of a crime that is directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the profession
  • Failure to report (or hindering the reporting of) child abuse
  • Failure to report some known criminal history of another educator
  • Failure to cooperate with an investigation conducted by the Board
  • A violation of the Board’s Code of Ethics

The latter Code of Ethics includes elements such as:

  • Misappropriation of school properties or privileges
  • Accepting bribes that impair judgment
  • Deceptive or fraudulent practices
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Sharing the confidential information of students
  • Physically mistreating students.

Any number of these claims may be made falsely or in error. Our law firm helps teachers, like you, keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by the Texas Education Agency and the Texas State Board for Educator Certification. With offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, we serve teachers all over the state. As experienced attorneys, well-versed in state administrative and licensure laws, we know how to win. Our results speak for themselves!
If you are facing disciplinary action from the Board, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form