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An informal show compliance proceeding and settlement conference (ISC) offers physicians an opportunity to present their cases in front of a panel of board members. The seemingly casual nature of the process often gives physicians a false sense of security. The hearings are not as laid back as the name of the process suggests. Physicians under Texas Medical Board scrutiny should approach ISC proceedings with the same level of care and preparation as they would approach any other legal hearing.
How the ISC Process Works
A strategically presented case in an ISC hearing can eliminate the need for board recommended sanctions or a formal resolution hearing with the State Office of Administrative Hearing (SOAH).
Here are some key facts about the process. Board specific panelists preside over ISC hearings. Each panel includes at least one public member and one physician board member. The panelists use the ISC hearing to evaluate all of the material gathered during the investigatory period and to assess the license holder’s case. A licensed medical professional can represent himself/herself or appear before the panel with attorney representation.
Preparing to Win
Protect your license to practice medicine in Texas. Do the following:

  1. Hire a qualified

Work with an experienced health care license defense attorney in Texas to build a strong defense and protect your rights during the hearing.

  1. Review all board provided materials.

Prior to the hearing, the board will send a notice package containing the Expert Panel’s investigation report and all of the evidence the board plans to use during the ISC hearing. Scrutinize these materials in preparation for panel questions.

  1. Pay close attention to deadlines.

Notices and requests for information involve strict deadlines. Work with your attorney to submit appropriate responses on time and in full.

  1. Practice answering difficult questions.

Prepare your panel presentation as you would any other professional interview. Provide accurate and concise information to each question. Your attorney can help you anticipate and prepare for the most commonly asked questions.

  1. Consider bringing a colleague or witness.

Some panels will allow witnesses to testify about the medical practice and/or character of the physician. An ISC panel doesn’t have to welcome an outside witness, but you may want to prepare for the possibility.
Prepare for your ISC hearing to shorten the lifespan of your case and achieve a fair outcome. Your career may depend on it.
Find experienced legal support for your ISC hearing at Bertolino LLP. Call us today at (512) 476-5757 or contact us online today for a case evaluation.
BERTOLINO LLP proudly represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form