License defense for professionals in medical real estate insurance and other fields

Our firm provides aggressive defense for Texas physicians, nurses, pharmacists, real estate agents and brokers, insurance agents, and other licensed professionals after someone files a complaint with the licensing board. Complaints can be filed by clients, customers, patients, colleagues, other agencies, or the board itself. No licensed professional, no matter how diligent, is immune from a possible complaint and ensuing investigation.
We will defend you when your license is under attack by the:

If you are a licensed professional and have received a licensing complaint, BERTOLINO LLP can help.
The Complaint and Enforcement Process
The complaint and enforcement process of each Texas licensing board is dictated by their internal rules and the Texas Occupations Code. While each licensing board complaint process is unique, a few common threads exist:

  • Every complaint the board has jurisdiction over is thoroughly investigated. Even if you believe a complaint is meritless, it is important that you take it seriously and properly defend yourself from the start.
  • During the complaint process the licensee is given due process―notification of the complaint, an opportunity to respond to the allegations, a fair and impartial process, the right to an attorney, and the right to appeal a board decision.
  • The authority to take disciplinary action against a licensee.
    • Generally speaking, licensing boards are given broad discretion in what type of discipline they may impose and under what circumstances.
    • Disciplinary action can include license suspension or revocation, imposing a probation period, mandating additional terms to licensure, such as additional education credits or completion of other requirements, fines, administrative penalties, and/or other disciplinary measures deemed appropriate by the board.

Choosing the Right Attorney
Choosing the right attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. The professional license defense attorneys at BERTOLINO LLP have consistently won significant cases for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, real estate agents, brokers, insurance agents, CPAs, fellow attorneys, and other professionals dealing with issues that could jeopardize their ability to work. We fight to win.
The attorneys at BERTOLINO LLP provide aggressive advocacy for professionals who are facing disciplinary action in front of a licensing board, agency, or commission in Texas. We handle matters related to licenses, grievance complaints, ethics complaints, allegations of misconduct, and other important professional licensing issues.
Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
We offer honest answers and straightforward advice. Our dedicated lawyers take the time to learn about each case, because we know that no two cases are alike. We don’t just blindly offer advice. We will work with you and help you decide the best course of action. We’re on your side.
BERTOLINO LLP is proud to represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. We have offices located in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. If you are facing disciplinary action from a professional licensing board, contact us today to schedule a case evaluation.
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Get a copy of Tony R. Bertolino’s #1 Bestselling book When Your License is Under Attack: A Survival Guide for Texas Professionals in hardcover or for Kindle here.

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