Any Texas professional who goes under investigation by their licensing board or agency would rightly become nervous that their occupational reputation, career, and livelihood has come under fire. A complaint against a professional’s license is a serious matter, after all. And the formal investigation that follows notification of the complaint is the stage at which the rubber hits the road. Often the investigator will reach out with an attempt to gain information from you personally.
The rules that licensing agencies and boards must follow in pursuit of their mandate to protect the public are often complex; and this goes double for the rules of evidence that they will follow in the course of an investigation. To respond to requests for information in a proper fashion truly requires detailed knowledge of the statutes and established administrative law in Texas. It’s very easy to give over more information than necessary for a particular case. The number of cases in which a professional has responded to an investigator’s request for information in a case only to find they are then served with different or more serious charges are legion.
And when an investigator wants to meet with a professional under investigation, it is cause for pause. Not only may the investigator be looking for a way to ruffle the professional’s feathers, but most license investigators are experienced interviewers. They have great skill at asking questions that may trick them into revealing incriminating evidence. This is especially troubling when the individual being asked the questions is unfamiliar with the shades of gray in the licensing board’s regulations.
On the other hand, an occupational license defense attorney can intercept improper questions, and can help a licensee in providing just the right sorts and amounts of evidence information. It is never a good idea to go into an investigation interview without the aid of an experienced lawyer. That would put any unrepresented licensee at a marked disadvantage.
So hire an experienced occupational license defense attorney to stand up for you, as soon as you receive the notice of complaint. BERTOLINO LLP proudly represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas, and we have a solid track record of success. To best serve our clients we have offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. If you are facing disciplinary action from a professional licensing board or state agency, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form