dentist working on a patient

If you have not received a renewal notice for your dental license, you may be unsure of what your next steps should be. Generally, you can contact the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) to find out whether there are any issues with your dental license. 

It is not uncommon for dental license renewals to be denied due to common mistakes. However, failure to renew your dental license could put your ability to practice in jeopardy. Protect your career opportunities when you contact a dental license defense lawyer at Bertolino LLP for help.

Requirements to Get Your Dental License Renewed

To obtain approval for your dental license renewal, there are specific criteria that need to be met. These include:

  • Having a degree from a qualified dental educational institution
  • Having a part-time or full-time position at an accredited school or institution
  • Obtaining an endorsement from the dean of your dental program
  • Paying an application fee
  • Completing a National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) self-query 
  • Completion of a jurisprudence assessment
  • Completion of a current CPR or basic life support program
  • Providing the TSBDE with a copy of your U.S. citizenship, passport, or driver’s license
  • U.S. military active duty service members, veterans, and spouses will need to submit a copy of their identification cards, honorable or general discharge papers, and military change of station orders
  • Documentation of your completion of a Texas Health and Human Services (HHS)-approved Human Trafficking Course 

These are just a few of the different details that should be included when you are applying for your dental license or dental license renewal. If your dental license expires before you renew your application, you will be prohibited from practicing until your license has been renewed. 

If your dental license application is incomplete or missing specific information, you can expect your dental license renewal to be delayed. Once your application has been submitted, your dental license renewal status will be updated on the TSBDE website. If you do not see an update, be sure to contact the licensing board to discuss your case.

How the Dental License Renewal Process Works

Dental license renewals must be done every two years, or annually on a staggered basis. After your dental license has expired, it will reflect this status on the TSBDE’s website. Once you fill out the required application renewal form, provide your supporting documents, and pay your renewal fee, you will be authorized to continue practicing. 

However, if your dental license is not renewed and remains in an expired status, you will be prohibited from continuing to practice medicine or offer dental services.

You can apply for dental license renewal online by visiting TSBDE’s website and filling out their application. Be sure to include all required information if you hope to avoid delaying the processing of your claim. Do not forget to include your dental license number before you move forward with your application. 

The TSBDE sends out renewal reminder notices 60 days before your dental license is set to expire. If you do not receive this renewal notice, your best option is to contact the TSBDE to find out whether there is a reason why your dental license will not be renewed, or if it was a simple oversight.

Do Not Forget to Designate Your Records 

You should also be sure to fill out your designation of records form. All dentists are required to designate a custodian of their dental records during each renewal period. 

This is because dentists who perform dental services are the sole owner of their dental records unless the TSBDE designates otherwise. Your record designation form can be emailed to the TSBDE at [email protected].

Other Important Dental License Renewal Considerations

Other factors that should be taken into consideration if you are hoping to get your dental license renewed include:

  • Being sure to translate any foreign language documents into the English language
  • Notifying the TSBDE within 60 days of licensee address changes
  • You must obtain your renewed dental license before your anesthesia permit can be processed
  • Online CPR courses that do not include a demonstration of your skills or an in-person instructor are not considered approved by the TSBDE

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What to Do if Your Dental License Renewal Application Is Denied

It is more common than you might think for dental license renewal applications to be denied. Generally, by providing the TSBDE with the additional supporting documentation and information they need, they can quickly overturn your dental license renewal denial. However, if the TSBDE remains rigid in its decision to deny you your dental license renewal, your attorney may need to step in to help you clear your name.

Your medical license defense lawyer may be able to help you avoid any potential sanctions or criminal charges and help you appeal the TSBDE’s decision to reject your dental license renewal application. Some of the more common reasons given for dental license renewal denials include:

  • Untreated substance abuse issues
  • Making a mistake in your dental license renewal application
  • Failure to provide necessary documentation
  • Failure to complete continuing education hours
  • Being arrested, charged with a crime, or convicted of an offense

If you hope to protect your career opportunities and avoid being barred from continuing to practice, it is essential that you get your dental license renewed. Your dental license defense attorney at Bertolino LLP will work tirelessly to help you secure your future.

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Call Bertolino LLP to Protect Your Dental License Today

When you have not received a dental renewal notice from the TSBDE, and you do not know whether your dental license is at risk, do not hesitate. Contact an experienced dental license defense attorney at Bertolino LLP to protect your future. 

Learn more about how to get your dental license renewed despite obstacles that may be in the way when you contact our office for a confidential consultation. Fill out our quick contact form or call our office when you are ready to get started on your case.

Call or text (512) 476-5757 or complete a Case Evaluation form