How to respond strategically to a licensing board investigation

The day you receive notice of a licensing board investigation pending against you may be one of the worst days of your career. Your professional license is your livelihood. Your professional license is the result of your dedication to your education and career. When your license is under attack by a licensing board it is critical that you respond strategically. Even if you believe the complaint to be baseless – or even if you believe the investigation will not go anywhere – it is critical that you respond strategically to any licensing board investigation.
The following is guidance on how to respond strategically to a licensing board complaint and ensuing investigation. However, we urge you not to go it alone and to hire a Texas license defense attorney to help protect your license, livelihood, career, and reputation.
Learn About the Licensing Board’s Complaint Process
To be prepared to appropriately and strategically respond to a licensing board investigation, you must first understand the licensing board’s complaint enforcement process. Each Texas licensing board and regulatory agency has their own process for how complaints and investigations are handled. Learn how your licensing board handles complaints and investigations.
Once you know what to expect you will be better prepared to advocate strategically for your license and your career.
Calendar Relevant Deadlines & Make A List of Steps to Come
It is critical that you never miss a deadline by which to respond to your licensing board. When you receive notice of a complaint filed against you, it will have a response deadline. Calendar this and any other deadlines and timeframes you are aware of. Be mindful to consult with a licensing defense attorney well in advance of any deadlines.
Make a list of the steps to come in the investigation process so that you know what the next necessary things for you to do are. Review this list with your attorney so you can feel confident that you will not miss anything crucial. Your attorney’s knowledge of the process will help you plan so that you are prepared when essential appointments and deadlines arise.
Gather All Relevant Information
Gather all information that is relevant to the compliant made against you and the licensing board’s investigation. Be sure to gather information that relates to the issue at hand, which may include compliant/notice letters, medical records, pharmacy records, copies of contracts or property listings, emails, photographs, or other items or documents.
As part of your information gathering, also write out detailed notes of everything you remember about the situation or incident that is the subject of the investigation. Your notes can help guide you and your attorney as you seek to reconstruct what happened and develop a solid legal strategy to defend your license.
Deliver A Strategic First Response
In general, after being notified of a licensing board complaint you will be asked to respond to the allegations in writing. While this is not true for every Texas licensing board complaint process, it is true for most. Your initial written responses to the allegations against you are absolutely critical. The ultimate outcome of your case may hinge on your initial responses.
Make sure you respond on-time, thoughtfully, and thoroughly. You want the board to see that you are taking the complaint seriously. It is critical that you respond thoroughly to each allegation. Never assume that the board will dismiss an allegation on your behalf. The board’s function is to protect the public, not to protect you or your license. We urge you to hire a license defense attorney prior to responding to a board investigation. Your attorney will be able to help you craft responses that help defend your license from the very beginning.

The Texas Law Firm, BERTOLINO LLP Will Fight to Protect Your Livelihood

We provide aggressive advocacy for our clients who are facing disciplinary action from a licensing board, agency or commission in Texas. We handle matters related to licenses, grievance complaints, ethics complaints, and other important professional licensing issues. Our Firm has an impeccable reputation throughout the Lone Star State. Founder and Managing Partner, Tony R. Bertolino holds a 10 Superb top attorney Avvo Rating.
“I was recently asked an interesting question by a prospective client: What distinguishes your law firm from other law firms? And I got to thinking about it and it seems to me there are three things, three distinguishing qualities that I’ve recognized since I’ve begun my own practice. First is the compassion. Secondly is the attentiveness. And thirdly is the aggressiveness.” Tony R. Bertolino, Founding Attorney
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The professional license defense lawyers at BERTOLINO LLP have consistently won significant cases for doctors, nurses, lawyers, architects, pharmacists and other professionals dealing with issues that could jeopardize their ability to work. We know how to build a persuasive case to protect your license – and your livelihood. Our results speak for themselves.
If your professional license is at risk of suspension or revocation, BERTOLINO LLP can help. We represent licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. Our honest, experienced attorneys will fight aggressively on behalf of your license and reputation. Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
Get a copy of Tony R. Bertolino’s #1 Bestselling book When Your License is Under Attack: A Survival Guide for Texas Professionals in hardcover or for Kindle here.

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