How texas cpas can avoid official discipline

Certified Public Accountants have a job that is focused intently on detail, which they have worked long and hard to achieve. There is a great deal of stress over the potential of making mistakes. And with good reason. A formal complaint made because of a mistake can threaten their licenses and livelihoods.
Of course, it’s not just simple mistakes.  Sometimes there can be a mistake that the person who files the complaint—and even the Texas State Board of Accountancy may confuse for purposeful or negligent behavior. Common behaviors that mistakes are often confused for include charging clients fees for services that have not been performed; negligence in the performance of work for clients; either failing to file client returns or filing fraudulent returns for clients; and acts of dishonest or fraud in the course of performing duties required of a tax professional or Certified Public Accountant.
Moreover, the Board may entertain complaints based on a licensee being convicted of a felony criminal offense, or of a criminal offense that involves some form of fraud or problematic dishonesty. Every CPA knows, though, that they are forced to rely a great deal on information provided them by clients, and sometimes this information is false or misleading. The filing of a fraudulent return on behalf of a client who misleads or misinforms the CPA is mislabeled when it is considered the CPA’s act of fraud.
Still, even if a CPA knows that the event or act of which they are accused is not their fault, they should not underestimate the gravity of the complaint made against them. Defending one’s actions, even valid actions, under the weight of a formal complaint can be too much for even the most stalwart individual. Therefore, from the earliest possible moment after receiving the notice of a complaint, a CPA should contact an experienced professional defense attorney to help.
So if your CPA license is under attack, give us a call. Our law firm helps professionals keep their licenses when those licenses are under attack by a Texas agency, board, or commission. With offices in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, we serve professionals all over the state. As experienced attorneys, well-versed in state administrative and licensure laws, we know how to win. Our results speak for themselves!
If you are facing disciplinary action, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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