
The nation is understandably worried about a health danger that has reached our shores for the first time. And here is Texas, the anxiety is perhaps felt even more acutely as the one person known to have tested positive for Ebola and then eventually die from the horrific diagnosis in our country was here within the borders of our state.

We have been reassured by the Centers for Disease Control that the United States is not in danger of an epidemic breaking out in our country like the one that is now facing the populations of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. Hospitals around the country have been practicing drills so that the proper procedures are known and implemented without hesitation should a possible case come through their emergency room doors. And, it was recently announced that individuals entering our airports from high-risk countries will be subject to more scrutiny, including having their temperature taken.
Despite these measures and the indisputable fact that our public health system and control of disease transmission is superior to the protections in place in West Africa, questions have been raised about our doctors and hospitals in recent weeks. Why was a man who was sick and indicated that he had traveled from Liberia allowed to leave a hospital? How did communication between doctors and nurses break down? What else can be done that is not happening right now to prevent Ebola from spreading?
There are concerns and legitimate questions that need to be addressed. But we also need to be careful about accusing our medical professionals of inadequate or faulty care as they work diligently to contain a situation never before experienced in our country. I know that our doctors and nurses are working tirelessly in ways we cannot imagine to keep us safe.
At Bertolino LLP, we have experienced attorneys who are prepared to stand with men and women in the medical profession whose livelihoods are being challenged by patients or others in the community. If you have received a complaint that threatens your medical license and your reputation as a health care provider, do not face the process alone. Too much is at stake. No matter the basis of the issue being taken with your practice, we can help. Please contact our offices today.

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