Divorce financial

Divorces are on the rise both in the United States and the United Kingdom, with some experts indicating that better economic times may be contributing to an increase in divorces.  Historical trends also support the premise that an end to a recession could increase the divorce rate, as couples have more money and feel more financially able to end their marriages.
Living in a relationship you are unhappy with can be stressful and damaging to your health. Concerns about your finances shouldn’t prevent you from ending the relationship. While divorce can create tough financial times, the right divorce settlement and a careful approach to divorce can make the process more affordable. A divorce lawyer can help you to protect yourself financially during divorce. Bertolino LLP can help.
Rebounding Economy Increases the Rate of Divorce
The Los Angeles Times reported on the changes in divorce rates in recent years, which have been driven by economic turmoil.  The data shows that there were around 150,000 fewer divorces between 2009 and 2011 than otherwise would have been expected during this time period. The divorce rate among married women during these years dropped from 2.09 percent in 2008 to 1.95 percent in 2009 and then increased to 1.98 percent both in 2010 and 2011.
The trend mirrors one that occurred during the 1930s, when the divorce rate dropped significantly during the Great Depression.  A similar phenomenon also occurred in England and Wales during the recession and the economic recovery. As the BBC reported, there was a general downward trend in divorces in both England and Wales between 2003 and 2009, but there was a 4.9 percent increase in the number of divorces in 2010.  The divorce rate also increased .5 percent between 2011 and 2012, when there were 118,140 divorces.  This averages out to about 13 divorces per hour granted over the course of 2012.
The National Marriage Project attributes the lower divorce rate during recession to the fact that families were pulling together during tough economic times, and thus were fighting less and not as likely to get divorced. However, the fact that divorce rates have risen so much now that the economy is recovering suggests that it may be more likely people simply put off divorce because of concerns about finances.
Divorce Doesn’t Have to be Costly
For couples concerned about the economic costs associated with divorce, there are solutions that could be better than waiting to end an unhappy marriage.  Negotiating a settlement outside of court can be a less expensive method of ending a marriage than litigating the issues before a judge.  Couples can consider mediation or collaborative divorce in order to come to an agreement, or their attorneys can help them to agree on a settlement that makes sense for their family.
Couples also increasingly choose to live together in the family home to save money while the divorce is ongoing. Splitting up does not necessarily mean you have to immediately separate and move to a different household and continuing to share the family home while going through the process of ending a marriage can be a money-saving solution.
Contact Bertolino LLP at 512-717-5432 or visit www.belolaw.com to schedule a consultation with a divorce lawyer today. 

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