New cit training requirements for texas peace officers

The Texas CIT Association is a nonprofit organization that provides standardized training, support, and education in responding to those affected by mental illness and/or those who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Under Texas Senate Bill 1849 there is new CIT – Crisis Intervention Training – regarding Texas peace officer training. The previous 16-hour CIT training requirement ceased to exists on April 1, 2018. It is replaced with the new 40-hour CIT training requirement.
How the new CIT training requirement will affect individual Texas Peace Officers depends on where a peace officer is in their training, certification requirements, or continuing education.
Initial Licensing & Basic Peace Officer Licensing Course
The Texas Occupations Code makes clear that the 40-hour CIT training course is added to the minimum curriculum requirements of the Basic Peace Office Licensing Course.
“As part of the minimum curriculum requirements, the commission shall require an officer to complete a statewide education and training program on de-escalation and crisis intervention techniques to facilitate interaction with persons with mental impairments. An officer shall complete the program not later than the second anniversary of the date the officer is licensed under this chapter or the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate, whichever date is earlier.” Tex. OCC § 1701.253(j).
Officers licensed after April 1, 2018, who did not have the new CIT as part of their Basic Peace Officer Licensing Course, are required to take the new CIT within 2 years of being issued their license.
Intermediate Certification Requirements
Pursuant to Tex. OCC § 1701.253(j) (quoted above), an officer must complete the new CIT training be the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate.
Continuing Education Requirements
The text of SB 1849 only addresses the new CIT training requirements regarding new licensees and those applying for Intermediate Certification. Therefore, the new CIT training is not required for continuing education under the current 40 hour format. Currently the existing CIT Update, continuing education course 3843, remains an 8 hour course until further notice.
Experienced Attorneys Defending Licensed Law Enforcement Officers
Licensed law enforcement officers in Texas are regulated by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). The TCOLE investigates complaints against law enforcement officers for alleged violations of law or rule relating to licensure, officers facing criminal charges or certain other legal consequences, and for alleged issues involving fraudulent or substandard training of law enforcement officers.
If you are implicated in a complaint filed with the TCOLE, you have the right to legal representation from a professional license defense attorney during every stage of the complaint resolution process.
The attorneys of BERTOLINO LLP have the experience and legal knowledge needed to help law enforcement officers take aggressive action to protect their licenses. We are prepared to represent you at every stage of the complaint resolution process. We will get to know you and your case, thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the allegation(s), and help you mount a strong defense to protect your license and your career.
We are standing by to help Texan law enforcement officers. Thank you for your service to our state. Contact us or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.

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