3 things to do immediately after being notified of a board complaint 1

After a licensing board, state agency or commission notifies you of a complaint filed against you it is time to take immediate steps to defend yourself. Complaints and subsequent investigations can harm your reputation, and possibly lead to suspension or revocation of your license. Your livelihood and career on are on the line.
Take the Complaint Seriously
Even if you believe the complaint to be baseless or unfounded, take the complaint seriously from the start. It is critical that you face it head-on. Do not ignore a complaint until a deadline nears, and do not wait until the final hours to hire counsel to protect your rights. Understand that the board is not on your side. Their function is to protect the public, not to help you defend your license.
Review Your Insurance Coverage for Board Complaints
Many professionals carry insurance that is designed specific to their industry and the professionals licensed within it. For example, health care providers and lawyers often carry malpractice insurance policies. Do you carry professional insurance? If so, review your insurance policy to determine what coverage it offers in defending against board complaints.
Your policy may cover certain costs associated with your defense, including the attorney’s fees. Coverage for board complaints is different, and often separate from, coverage for a lawsuit involving malpractice or professional malfeasance. Contact your insurance carrier if you have questions about your coverage.
Do Not Delay in Hiring an Attorney
We strongly urge you to hire an experienced professional licensing defense attorney as soon as you are notified of a board complaint filed against you. Our firm believes that immediately consulting an experienced license defense attorney to review allegations of misconduct helps ensure the most favorable outcome in your case. Even in the initial stages of the complaint process, your attorney can advocate for you and protect your rights.
Your initial responses to the board are critical to the ultimate outcome of your case. It is not uncommon that we are able to get a complaint against our client dropped at this initial stage with a strategic, well-crafted initial response to the complaint allegations. To better understand the importance of taking immediate steps to defend yourself and your license, read about some of our case results here.
BERTOLINO LLP represents licensed professionals across the entire State of Texas. If you are facing disciplinary action from a professional licensing board, contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation.
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