I was arrested do i need to contact my licensing board

If you were arrested and you hold a professional license, that license may be at risk. In some instances, a license holder is required to notify their licensing board of an arrest, charge, indictment, or criminal conviction.
The facts of the specific incident may help an attorney determine if and when the board should be notified. You do not want to make the mistake of assuming you do not need to alert the board or even alerting the board when it is not necessary. Either of these mistakes could do harm to your license. If you’ve been arrested or are facing criminal charges and you are wondering if you have a duty to notify your licensing board, contact us to evaluate the facts of your case and help guide you on the proper course of action.
Licensing Board Considerations
Each Texas licensing board and regulatory agency has their own set of rules and regulations regarding criminal charges and criminal convictions. This is why it is important to understand what the specific rules are for reporting to your licensing board.
In addressing arrests, criminal charges, or criminal convictions, a licensing board will consider whether the criminal charges or conviction renders an applicant unsuitable to be licensed and whether revocation or suspension of a previously granted license is warranted.
Many licensing boards will also consider a licensee’s moral character. Such Texas boards include the State Bar of Texas and the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. A licensee’s history of arrests, charges, or convictions may speak to his or her moral character in the board’s eyes. Further, an arrest or charges, even in the absence of a criminal conviction, may weigh in a licensing board’s determination of good moral character.
Moreover, depending on the licensing board, certain types of crimes present a bigger problem than others. For example, if your profession is in the financial industry a crime involving fraud is significantly more likely to affect your ability to obtain, retain, or renew your professional license than conviction of a minor traffic crime. In short, the board will closely evaluate whether the arrest or crime is closely related to your profession.
When Your Professional License is at Risk
If you have been arrested, charged with, or convicted of a crime, it is critical that you know how this will affect your professional license. Our experienced license defense attorneys represent clients from a variety of professions and industries. We have in-depth knowledge of licensing board procedures and how they typically respond to criminal charges or convictions.
We offer a case evaluation to all potential clients. We offer honest answers and straightforward advice. Our dedicated attorneys will take the time to learn about the specifics of your circumstance. Contact us today or call (512) 476-5757 and schedule a case evaluation. Come meet with us to learn about how we can help you with your licensing issue.
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